Comparing Polar Fleece Blankets and Pillow Edges
Here are three types of fringes on Polar Fleece Toss Pillows- All three of these pillows are NO SEW, but lots of cutting-Need sharp scissors or Rotary Cutter 1. short fringe, pull through-I used a seam ripper for little hole-regular square hypoallergenic pillow insert from -14 inch I cut the squares for each side 15 +4 and 4=19 inch The fringe was 5 inches in on all sides leaving. 2. was a 12 x 6 round lumbar regular insert. This one is regular knotted fringe 3. was a 12 x6 rectangular lumbar. This one was a long pull through to give a braided long woven edge all around of the contrasting side color. Your cover material will be the fringe length x 2 plus the size of the pillow insert minus 2, so the insert will fill out the material to the fringe. 2 This is a Fringer tool, it has slots for rotary cutters. Not Necessary, but if you are going to make a lot of blankets with long fringes to tie-this is very helpful and makes the fringe...