Simple Baby set=Burp = Drool and= Tinkle and ideas
Burp Tinkle and Drool For more complicated Items Go to BURP - Your Burper Shoulder Cloths- Reversible to wipe with Terrycloth These are minky/minkie on one side and terry cloth on the other with one piece of flat quilting batting in the center. In the center of the burper I usually do a line of some type of stitching sometimes decorative sometimes just a wide stitch so the burper will fold on the shoulder of the burpee. All supplies were bought from This is manipulated minky/minkie to make the kitty. I have a number of kitty applique shapes that I can use for kitties on things, quilts, shirts, etc. I used regular thread so it would be soft for the whiskers and eyes and scrunching mouth. The other side: The tabs are held with a small piece of velcro. This is easier to fasten if you are mommie one handed putting bibs on. my little grand daughter in one of the peacock bibs This was for another shower, but unf...